Unanswered Call

Friday, November 19, 2004

Dec. 13th- Tuesday

Sally, little miss prissy girl has made me her new project.

"Saving Lindy Campaign". The have buttons, flyers, posters. WHAT. I can't believe it. What are they trying to save me from? They all have a picture of me and urging people to talk to me.

This stuff is only supposed to happen in movies. Why is it happening to me? Well, good thing is that not alot of people are responding to it. The bad thing is that teachers are starting to notice me.

I have spent my life, trying to blend into the background and this happens. I was pist and upset. While I was in this state of anger, i talked to Sally.

"WELL! Hello Lindy!" Sally chirped, "How is your day going?" I rolled my eyes and stated, "I know you don't care about my day. Cut the crap, Sally. Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you to deserve this kind of..."

"Attention?" Sally smirked, "You're an intelligent person-" I cut her off instantly, "You seemed intelligent, too. Too bad you had to pull this stupid stunt to prove me wrong."

Sally's jaw dropped, "Why don't you just try talking to people? you brush everyone off. Don't you know that people call you a freak?" I looked at her straight in the eye and said, "Maybe i am. Maybe i am a freak. Maybe you are a goody-goody. But I don't want to waste my time figuring it out. I'm at school to learn, not to play your stupid games."

I walked away. Angrier than i was when i started. I noticed that I didn't ask her one crucial question, "What are you trying to save me from."

Mac and cheese for dinner, I have to set the table.


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